X goes to Germany
Dear artist,
We are very glad to inform you, that the Minitextile exhibition "X" will be
on display in Germany 24.01. - 15.03.2009.
The exhibition in Bratislava had a great succes, we prolonged the duration
until September 20th. Many thanks for your participation!
For more informations you also can contact Mrs. Eva Kuehnert, Wasserschloss
Klaffenbach , Wasserschlossweg 6, D - 09123 Chemnitz, or to look at the
website www.wasserschloss-klaffenbach.de
Eva Kühnert, Veranstaltungsleiterin, Tel.: +49 371 26635-25, +49 172 378
512, Fax: +49 371 26635-23