Friday, July 29, 2011

Velvet Underground

Velvet Underground
Inspired by the work of Hundertwasser and Gaudi and their imaginative re-invention of the urban landscape, this piece is a flat-packed urban map of a strange and enchanted city. Buttoned down the woolen flaps protect what is underneath like a warm blanket, unbuttoned they rise up high like soft, wavy walls above a soft underground of jewelled colours and precious fabrics, of velvet, silk and glittery shiny cloth and threads. Through this strange and silent cityscape the hands can wander and meander, the fingers almost sinking into the soft ground as they explore textures and surfaces. In the round sloping façades above and around the underground, the buttonholes become windows, tear or rain drop openings, while the buttons on the ground turn into central features that stand out like roof top fountains, sculptures or cupolas, hard and cold against the warmth of the fabrics.

Tactile art work commissioned by Leicestershire’s Open Museum

"Introducing the ART of TOUCH:
The Open Museum's Touch Tables
An exciting, innovative new art resource for people in the later stages of dementia or with more severe learning disabilities, has recently been developed by Leicestershire’s Open Museum.
Consultation the Open Museum has undertaken revealed that carers can sometimes be nervous about using real art and museum objects in case they get damaged or are thrown. This has meant that people who could particularly benefit from handling and touching objects, can sometimes be excluded from art and reminiscence sessions. Leicestershire’s Open Museum Service was keen to find a solution to this. Working in consultation with carers, art therapists in Leicestershire care homes, and a Senior Lecturer on dementia from De Montfort University, two new interactive Touch Tables have been created."


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